Thursday, October 17, 2019

Kaleidoscope Assignmen

This is what I did for the Kaleidoscope assignment, I chose this image because it is very
similar to the image in Doctor Strange on the buildings they do the wizzarding from and I liked it so I colored it in.

Where's Waldo

This is my where's waldo assigment and I put in all of the things that I like,
this is my favorite foods, people, shows, ect.(you said i didnt need to put as much stuff in
because I was absent for a while)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Albrecht Durer resketch

Albrecht Durer made really realistic
sketches of people and animals.
I did the same thing on the computer
with this fat goat, and I was also
thinking about Peyton Manning
who is the GOAT.
This is how I remade the goat,
I thought of this because goats
are one of my favorite animals.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Gorey Rhyme

Edward Gorey used to make rhymes for childrens books and it was my turn to make one about me.
I chose me getting a concussion because it is one of the only things that gets close to rhyming with my name, and
also because about nine months ago I hit my head really hard on the side of the pool and got a minor
concussion, so I hope you enjoy this strange piece of art.

30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 1-Self Portrait Day 2-What you wore today Day 3-clouds Day 4-something gree...