Friday, September 27, 2019

Celebrity coloring page

This is the retrace that I did of him, (without the background)
and this is one of the most fun pieces that I have done so far!
This is Mathew Perry from the sitcom Friends. He is
one of my favorite actors and characters in any of my
favorite shows.This picture is from one of my
 favorite moments from this show.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cartoon Me

This is me in real life..
This is cartoon me photo shopped in front of the OCK Thunders arena,
the Thunder are my favorite basketball team, so that is where I put myself.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Maddona with the carnation cartoon

 This is the original Maddona with the Carnation.

This is how I remade it into a funny cartoon.LOL. I came up with this because my Brother used to watch peppa pig all the time so I thought it would be funny.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Scream impression

This is the original painting, "scream" by Edvard Munch

This is how I traced it and Photoshoped my face in, this was really hard because the texture of the painting is hard to replicate.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mona Lisa Re-Do

This is the original Mona Lisa by Leonardo Davinci...

This is how I contorted the image into my own design, and I put her in space because I had just learned to make that background in art rage.

30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 1-Self Portrait Day 2-What you wore today Day 3-clouds Day 4-something gree...